A space for people who dream bigger.

With endless imagination, empathetic community building, and intentional design.

A photo of graffiti art saying "lets love our community"

A passion for creating solutions

Our intentional problem-solving skills help diagnose & remedy complex problems requiring complex solutions. We’re not a one-and-done kind of org– we’ll work with you to improve your likelihood of success with techniques used to bolster imagination, build community, and to do things the right way.

Individual Support

Are you feeling stuck with no end in sight? Our specialists will work with you to help you identify and reach your goals.

Organizational Support

Is your organization struggling with a culture problem? Hitting the wall with no solutions in sight? We can help with that.

Design Thinking

We’ll work with you and your team using design thinking techniques, so that you are at the forefront of intentional decision making. Can be used on an individual level, too.

Business Consulting

Are you looking to help your organization evolve to the next level? Using holistic management practices, we can help guide your team to better ways of working.

On-boarding Solutions

Bringing new people into an organization is tricky. We will complete your onboarding process and diagnose problems, so that we can find solutions to increase retention.

Community Building

If you’re looking to join a community, or to find other like-minded individuals, our organization also serves as a network hub. Increasing access to like-minded folks is important to us.

Our Inspiration

Inspired by nature, collective action, intentional design, and art.

Our Guiding Beliefs

  • Biomimicry, murmurations, the flow of water, and the checks and balances in an ecosystem show us that community is the right way to live and to work.
  • Respect for the environment and the natural world guides our work. We aim to be regenerative, so that our work can benefit the next 7 generations.
  • If we want to change the world, we first have to change ourselves. Community Dreamers is about finding that change within, so that we can harness it to change the world.

Design and Art

  • The world needs more story-telling, empathy, and intentionality. We can’t do it alone: we need the power of you and the power of emotions to move towards a beautiful future.
  • We don’t have a lack of solutions, we have a lack of imagination.
  • Good design makes the world accessible, and art makes the world pleasurable. Our work is centered around the core belief that life should be good, safe, and accessible to everyone and the planet.

Do you want to begin working towards a better future? Join our waitlist.

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